Board of Supervisors: Formal Meeting, Wed., Dec. 7, 2022

Here is a summary of the items brought before the Board for a vote in today’s Formal Meeting:

Item 5. Appointment of Constable for the Arcadia-Biltmore Justice Precinct. Passed 4-0

Planning and Zoning – Consent Agenda items. Passed 4-0

The new constable was sworn in by Clerk of the Board Juanita Garza.

There was a brief presentation given for the Brown Family Project. Ashley MacDonald, Principal Planner for the Town of Gilbert spoke in opposition to the request for zoning change submitted for this project. The request was passed by the Board 4-0.

Item 10. A continuance until January for the Eagle Tail Airstrip was approved 4-0.

Item 11. Request for Continuance for consideration of Special Use Permit for Cowboy-Mounting Shooting with Half-Loads. Supervisor Galvin recused himself for this vote. Motion passed 3-0.

Item 12. Air Quality Rule Incorporation. Motion passed 4-0.

Item 13. Liquor license application for Sun City Food Mart. Item 14. Petition for formation of Janet Rose Irrigation Water Delivery District. Both items approved 4-0.

Items 15-19. Road file declarations and patent easement abandonments. Items passed 4-0.

Items 20-25. County Officers: reappointments to the P&Z Commission, reappointments to Parks and Recreation, resignation from Travel Reduction Program Regional Task Force, resignation from San Tan Justice Precinct Justice of the Peace. Items passed 4-0.

Items 26-30. Special event license for EmpoweRanch and Golden Roller Skates. Appointments. Grant funding from Constable Ethics, Standards and Training Board. Constable First and Second Term pay adjustment. Items passed 4-0.

Items 31-35. Funding from U.S. Dept. of Justice, FBI. Appointments and oaths of office. Replacment of fleet vehicles, exemption from markings. Competition Impracticable Basis Policy Research. School District Boundaries transcript. Items passed 4-0.

Items 36-42. Arizona Dept. of Education for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Supplements to Agreement with the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Acceptance of entitlement funds from Arizona Dept. of Education, State Criminal Alien Assistance funding, funding from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for Overtime. U.S. Forest Service De-obligation and Closeout form. Rescind and replace Action and MOU (memorandum of understanding) with USDA.. Items passed 4-0.

Items 43-46. Establish court-ordered fund for PSB (Professional Standards Bureau) staffing. Amend data-sharing agreement with DES. Donations to the Sheriff’s Office MASH. October monthly donations report. Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone spoke on the PSB funding prior to the vote. Items passed 4-0.

Items 47-49. Amend IGA (intergovernmental agreement) with Town of Gilbert. Base Salary increase for Justice of the Peace, Ironwood Justice Court. Superior Court – Fill the Gap Plan. Items passed 4-0.

Items 50-51. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) expenditure approval and budget adjustment. IGA with Valleywise. Items passed.

Items 52, 54-56. Air Quality – Amend license agreement with Arizona Science Center. Correctional Health – Agreement between Southwest Behavioral Health Services and Maricopa County. Amend IGA for Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) hospitalization. Affiliation Agreement with Alverno College. Speaker on Item 52: Mr. Blue Crawley. Items passed 4-0.

Items 57-62. Emergency Management – Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Equine Rescue Organization. Enterprise Technology – Intergovernmental Telecom Use Agreement with City of Phoenix Municipal Court. Environmental Services – Termination of Lease Agreement. Finance – Accept tribal gaming funds from Tohono O’odham Nation. Funds transfer; warrants. Mid-year pay for performance adjustment. Items passed 4-0.

Items 63-70. Human Resources – Agreement with Arizona Department of Administration. Amend premium pay rates. Market ranges. Capital project and operating budget request. Human Services – Agreements with A.R.M. of Save the Family Foundation and Newtown Community Development Corporation. Amend agreement with Newtown Community Development. Amend agreement with Guadalupe Community Development Agreement. Speaker in favor of item 64: Mr. Benjamin Fisk, President of Maricopa County Law Enforcement Association. Items passed 4-0.

Items 71-81. Human Services (cont.) – Amend agreements, contract and IGA with Robin Shaeffer Consulting LLC, Solar Inc., City of Phoenix, Regional Public Transportation Authority, Town of Gilbert, City of Peoria, East Valley Institute of Technology. IGA with City of El Mirage. MOU with Maricopa Association of Governments. Community Events and designate individuals to complete applications. Participate in receipt of Emergency Rental Assistance funds. Speaker on items 73, 74: Mr. Blue Crawley. Items passed 4-0.

Items 82-88. Medical Examiner – Affiliation agreements with Midwestern University, Montifiore Medical Center. Parks and Recreation – IGA with Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management. Procurement Services – Traffic signal maintenance and improvements. Body armor and related parts/accessories. One Stop Operator. Waste tire recycling and final disposition. Items passed 4-0.

Items 89-94. Public Defense – Additions to fleet. Public Health – Amend contract with Arizona Immunzation Partnership, grant for AZ Health Zone, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-education, contract with Banner Health. Purchase Order for IGA with Arizona Department of Health Services for Maternal Health, Arizona Department of Health Services HIV prevention and Ryan White Part B services. Items passed 4-0.

Items 95-103. Public Health (cont.) – Rotation agreement with University of Southern California. Contract for Project ECHO-COVID-19 Recovery Education and Care Management Program. IGAs with Arizona Department of Health Services. Ohio University student rotation training agreement. Appropriation adjustments. Grant award from Arizona Asthma Coalition. Anticipated funding for Centers for Disease Control Notice of Funding. Items passed 4-0.

Item 104. Real Estate – Extinguishment of Easement. This item required a unanimous vote from all supervisors. A roll-call vote was to be taken, but it had to be postponed as Supervisor Steve Gallardo (Dist. 5) was still absent from the meeting.

Item 105-110. Real Estate – Amend and restated Revocable License Agreement. Transportation – Admin correction to Patent Easement Abandonment: Road File PAB-0205. Agreements with City of Litchfield Park, Sun City Prides Inc. Master Development Agreement with City of Buckeye. Development Agreement with Olive Charter LLC. Items passed 4-0.

Items 111-120. IGAs with City of Surprise, City of Litchfield Park, City of Phoenix. Contract with Tristar Engineering and Management Inc. Road Files as listed on the agenda. New Traffic Controls. Easement, Right of Way and relocation assistance documents. Items passed 4-0.

Items 121-123. SETTING OF HEARINGS. Planning and Development – Planning and Zoning cases. Transportation – Patent Easement Abandonments for Road Files No. PAB-0212 and NO. PAB-0204. Items passed 4-0.

Items 124-132 CONSENT AGENDA. Duplicate warrants. Treasurer’s collections and disbursement summary. Offer on Tax Deeded land Parcel 141-63-884. Secure/Unsecure Tax Roll corrections. Cleaing uncollectible tax. Tax abatements. Minutes. Cost per felony case annual report. RICO funds quarterly report. Speaker for item 126: Mr. Blue Crawley. Mr. Crawley bid $350 for the parcel. The bid was rejected by Chairman Gates. Mr. Gates said that since the parcel is adjacent to a flood control district and itself prone to flooding, it would be better for it to remain as part of the flood control district. Items passed 4-0.

Chairman Gates was in the middle of recusing himself from consideration of the next item 133, citing a potential conflict of interest, when Supervisor Gallardo joined the meeting remotely (by telephone). Gates offered to revisit item 104 since all five Supervisors were now present.

Item 104. Real Estate – Extinguishment of Easement. Item passed 5-0.

Chairman Gates then removed himself from the auditorium for the board to consider item 133. Vice-Chairman Hickman (Dist. 4) filled in for him in his absence.

Item 133. CONSENT AGENDA (cont.). Settlement/Resolution of property tax cases and claims. Item passed 4-0. Chairman Gates returned to the auditorium.

Item 134-138. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ADDENDUM. Animal Care and Control – New Hope agreement with Last Chance Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation. Risk Management – Settlement regarding Anthony Wright v. Sheriff Penzone, et al.. Arizona State Bar v. Sherry Leckrone. Alexis Dinsbach v. Harris. School Superintendent – IGA with Arizona Department of Education. Items passed 5-0.

Items 139-140. BOS ADDENDUM (Cont.). Transportation – Resolution for Road File No. A723. Public Defense – Amend Title IV-E Entitlement Funding Contract. Items passed 5-0.

The Board recessed as the BOS and convened as the Flood Control District Board of Directors to consider the following items:

Items 141-144. Flood Control District. Minutes. Pre-construction services contract to Rummer Construction. Declare/sell excess parcels – FCD N-2269-09 and N-2269-10. Easement, right-of-way and relocation assistance documents. Items passed 5-0.

The Board adjourned as the Flood Control Board of Directors and convened as the LIbrary District Board of Directors to vote on the following items:

Items 145-146. Donations. Minutes. Items passed 5-0.

The Board adjourned as the Library District Board of Directors and reconvened as the Board of Supervisors.

Items 147-148. Public Comment. Summary of Current Events. Clerk of the Board Juanita Garza informed the Board that her office had received two e-mail comments regarding Animal Control and 537 e-mail comments regarding the Elections. Speaker forms were submitted to Chairman Gates who gave some initial instructions to the participants and audience.

Speakers: Debra Nolan spoke about MCACC (Animal Control) and related matters. LIsa Richey, Chandler resident, spoke in opposition to a zoning matter regarding a proposed subdivision in the city of Chandler. Lou Wang, Chandler resident, spoke in opposition to a zoning matter regarding a proposed “affordable housing” project in south Chandler. Neo Zha spoke regarding the same zoning matter. Blue Crawley spoke on miscellaneous matters regarding the recent Formal Meeting held after the Elections.

County Manager Joy Rich made some remarks commending the Board with regard to Item 66 supporting development of a child healthcare center for Maricopa County employees. Vice-Chairman Hickman made some remarks commending Chairman Gates. Supervisor Sellers gave a brief summary of some of his interactions with city mayors and council members and business leaders within his district (District 1). Supervisor Galvin spoke about his past year’s experience as a new Supervisor. Supervisor Gallardo was not present to make any remarks. Chairman Gates made some final remarks and adjourned the meeting.

You can read and download the full Agenda for this meeting here.

The complete Summary of the meeting can be viewed and downloaded here.

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